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About the Bridge Between

We are all on a journey. What that journey is… only you can answer.

Whatever the journey, each one begins with taking the first step onto the bridge between… 
    -  where you are, and where you want to be.
    -  who you are, and who you want to be.
    -  what you have, and what you desire.

That first little step can bring about monumental change in your life. And for some, that thought can be terrifying.

    x  What if I make the wrong decision and it blows up in my face?
    x  It never works out for me, so I might as well give up now.
    x  I can’t do it, it’s too hard.
    x  I know I need to do something, but I just don’t know where to start.

Bridge image
Photo - B from Bridge Between

Hi, my name is Bianca, but everyone calls me B.

The Bridge Between is not unfamiliar to me, I have crossed it several times. Sometimes to disaster, but most times to something new and worthwhile. So, I continue to cross the next bridge and the next one, and the next.
I am forever on the journey, and the journey is of me.

I have sprouted those doubt filled statements out of fear and denied myself what I really wanted, with inaction and masses of procrastination.
All I got was an internal unhappiness, stress and anxiety.

But I turned away from fear, took steps forward and learnt a few things along the way.

 With the love and support from those around me, I delved into myself, my intuition and began to trust myself. I started to see who I was and who I wanted to be. But even more so, what was in my way..... It was me.

Using my intuition and a variety of modalities, including Akashic Records and Psych-K, I have found my path, my confidence, and my strength to jump onto the bridge with two feet. Now I use this knowledge to help others.

If you are stopping yourself from stepping onto the bridge, contact me. Together we can find out why and remove the barriers to happiness.



Bianca is a talented psychic medium, accomplished in the Akashic Records and a qualified Psych-K Facilitator, assisting those to reprogram unhelpful belief patterns, and releasing stress and trauma. She maintains a strong focus on personal development, growth and spiritual advancement.

Bianca takes an incredibly practical approach to change as she has a background in behaviour change and program management.

As a spiritual being in a corporate world, she understands the practical challenges we all face finding meaning and purpose in our work and home lives.

Bianca has practiced psychic and spiritual readings for many years and is an eternal student, always learning, always growing.

As a practitioner, she brings her skills and learning to others to facilitate guidance and support from our loved ones, guides and higher selves. 


Robert is educator and consultant providing expert knowledge in aquaponics and food growing methods worldwide. Robert maintains a strong focus on personal development and growth.

Robert is a qualified Psych-K Facilitator with several years’ experience in the modality. As a practitioner, Robert brings his high level of honesty and integrity into his practical facilitation of Psych-K balance healings, bringing long lasting positive change for clients.

Photo - B from Bridge Between
Photo - Rob from Bridge Between


Based in Tweed Heads New South Wales, Jodie is the creative director of The Healing Bower.


Jodie is a talented Akashic Record reader, Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Lomi Lomi Massage, and QHHT practitioner.


The Healing Bower (much like the bower bird), gathers together and builds many different skills with one intention in mind -- to make the world a better place by helping others to release unhelpful constructs and live a happier, healthier and more authentic existence. 


The Healing Bower offers a range of services, training and events. We encourage you to check them out. You don't want to miss out.


Contact Jodie here –

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