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What is PSYCH-K ?

Developed in 1989 by professional psychotherapist, Robert M. Williams, PSYCH-K was so successful in helping people that the modality was expanded through intensive training, and now sees many qualified facilitators practicing around the world.

PSYCH-K logo

​PSYCH-K is a quick and efficient process of freeing the mind, by transforming stress and overwriting self-limiting beliefs with self-enhancing beliefs.


Unlike many other stress management solutions, PSYCH-K is completed “with you”, not “to you”.

The person is not required to spend several months or years in micro analysing situations, building positive affirmations to repeat every morning in the mirror, and struggle in readjusting their daily behaviours and old habits.


Instead, the process helps you quickly delve into your subconscious mind to become whole brained with your emotional baggage, triggers and change the self-limiting beliefs affecting your life, clearing the way for you to take positive steps towards achieving your goals.


Robert M. Williams describes it as a “user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind”.


How does it work?

The name PSYCH-K is defined as “psych”, being a variant of Psyche which means the Mind, Spirit and Soul, and the “K” represents the Key for sustainable change.


It relates to the mind and as such, to understand PSYCH-K it is important to understand the roles of the conscious and sub-conscious minds.


The Conscious Mind is volitional, meaning it relates to the use of one’s will.

The conscious mind is responsible for setting goals and judging the results.  It focuses on the past and the future, it thinks abstractly and can solve problems.


It has a short-term memory store of approximately 20 seconds and can only handle 1 to 3 activities at a time before becoming overwhelmed.


In data processing terms, the conscious mind has a processing capacity of 40 bits of information per second.



The Sub-Conscious Mind is habitual.

It monitors and manages the operation of the body, including motor function, heart rate, digestion, nervous system etc.  It focuses ONLY on the present moment and thinks literally.


The sub-conscious mind is where the long-term memory is stored, including all past experiences, attitudes, values and beliefs. It can handle thousands of activities at once.


The sub-conscious has a processing capacity of 40,000,000 bits of information per second.


Neuroscientist research shows that we are conscious for only 1-5% of our cognitive activity, meaning most people have 1% of their day in the conscious mind.


So, if 95-99% of our lives are controlled by our sub-conscious patterns, how easy it is for you to change when you really need to?


So you can see, that when you need to make significant changes in your life using sheer willpower alone your; 


40 bits of conscious processing capacity

is battling against

40,000,000 bits of an old unhelpful programming.


It is not surprising then, with these overwhelming odds, that so many people fall back to their old bad habits, beliefs and behaviours.


PSYCH-K works with the subconscious by creating a ‘whole brain state’, which allows you to rapidly and easily adopt new, fulfilling beliefs that empower you to achieve your conscious goals.


By using the power of the sub-conscious mind, you can reprogram those self-limiting beliefs to bring you what you want into your immediate experience.



What is PSYCH-K for?

Your sub-conscious mind has been downloading information from your environment since the day you were born. It uses that information to form beliefs which shape how you think, feel and behave. These beliefs are the foundations of your personality, and they can define you as worthy or worthless, powerful or powerless, competent or incompetent. Beliefs affect everything, your moods, relationships, job performance, self-esteem, physical health, and your outlook in life.


These beliefs, good or bad, are recalled and used by the sub-conscious mind during your daily life. The sub-conscious only operates on what it knows, it has no problem-solving skills and just replays the program over and over, with no context of time or appropriateness.


These sub-conscious programs can result in a range of issues, physically and psychologically. All of these can be addressed with PSYCH-K, including:


  • Stress and anxiety

  • Self-esteem, motivation and personal power

  • Anger issues and emotional distress

  • Grief, loss and trauma

  • Health and Body conditions

  • Sleep issues

  • Fears and phobias

  • Problem solving skills and learning difficulties

  • Addiction



Image people under stress

​How does a balance work?

Using the PSYCH-K modality, we speak directly to the subconscious mind and identify what beliefs, choices and behaviours are preventing you from succeeding in your goals.


The balance process allows you to remove stress, emotional triggers, and self-limiting beliefs and behaviours from your subconscious mind. 


With your subconscious barriers removed, you can more easily achieve the life you deserve.  



Is PSYCH-K for everyone?

PSYCH-K can be beneficial for most individuals, regardless of age, background, or beliefs. However, it may not be suitable for individuals who are unwilling or unable to participate actively in the process, such as those with severe cognitive impairments or mental health conditions.



Is PSYCH-K like hypnotherapy or traditional talk therapy? 

While they may share some similarities with hypnotherapy and talk therapy, it differs in its approach and techniques.

PSYCH-K focuses on directly reprogramming the subconscious mind through muscle testing and specific balancing processes, rather than exploring past traumas or analysing conscious thoughts and behaviours.

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